Dr. Ginger Bowler’s Energy Model
Understanding Energy Model – “Above the Line/ Below the Line” A Simple Model for Understanding Energy and Managing Our Energy Field.
Buy The BookUnderstanding Energy Model – “Above the Line/ Below the Line” A Simple Model for Understanding Energy and Managing Our Energy Field.
Under the guidance of the undisciplined head and ego. Our lower nature.
16 Rules for Understanding Energy from the book “Listening and Communicating with Energy” by Dr. Ginger Bowler
The “Context” for these rules is “Everything is energy vibrating at its own unique frequency.”
BUY THE BOOK1. Like energy begets like energy
2. Doing things below the line pulls you below the line.
3. There is no such thing as “hovering.” One is either moving up or down the scale, (vibrationally) with each thought, activity, attitude, emotion, and so on…
4. Things above the line have the power to take you above the line when you’ve fallen below the line.
5. Things below the line do not have the power to take you above the line—no matter how unfair that seems.
6. You cannot cheat in this energy game.
7. NO ONE ELSE IS RESPONISIBLE FOR YOUR FALLING BELOW THE LINE; however, others do influence (sometimes greatly) our ability to stay above the line. Therefore, we must be very careful of the company we keep.
8. It’s easier to stay above the line when we surround ourselves with others who spend most of their time above the line.
9. True Happiness exists above the line.
10. People who spend a lot of time below the line do not necessarily want to live above the line. If they thrive on dark (upset) energy, it is necessary for them to stay there to get their energy.
11. It is not your job to get others out of darkness (or above the line). You have enough work to do keeping yourself above the line. (This does not mean that we aren’t to help others, but first we must help ourselves. True service will naturally come from us when we live in the loving state above the line.)
12. A teeny-tiny bit of light eradicates darkness.
13. You will fall below the line. DO NOT PANIC AND JUDGE YOURSELF, as self-criticism only gets you more time below the line. Acknowledge where you are and do something above the line to get you back there, fast.
14. After continued practice and perseverance at staying above the line, it does get easier at staying above the line.
15. For those traveling the “Path of Enlightenment,” time below the line seems inevitable. This time helps us understand the suffering and trials of others and helps us develop needed compassion, empathy, and understanding. So, from that perspective, time at any place in the game is valuable.
16. Add your own rules as your understanding energy increases.